Custom Workflow Example

Custom Multi-Clinic Self-Referral System

This clinic uses our slide interface for their self-referral system, allowing users to get connected to providers across any of the clinics in their group.

Users are prompted to enter their expected due date along with their location. Users are then matched with providers local to their area who have availability on their expected due date.

This streamlines the process of users checking individually with providers, and allows for a centralized referral system that serves all the providers in one place.

If there are no available physicians in within 10km of their postal code, they are able to review ALL physicians in the network instead.

Additional Features

Dynamically Adjust Results with External Data

The digital front door is able to dynamically populate the information provided based on both the users inputs (including all of their demographic information), as well as external data sources such as scheduling information, which can be updated live by the clinic directly.

This clinic uses this feature to provide a list of available providers to the user at the date they request. The site also provides a list of providers that aren’t available according to scheduling information if the user is looking for a specific providers information.

Location-Based Options

The digital front door is also able to present location-specific information based on what the user enters.

This clinic uses this to find local providers in the users area. Users are presented with a list of providers within a 10km radius of the postal code they entered. If no providers are in that radius, the user is still presented with a list of available providers outside of the radius.

Data Privacy

The digital front door does not retain any patient information submitted within the workflow. Patient submitted information is securely transmitted to the clinic via a messaging system, ensuring compliance with regulations and efficient communication with our healthcare providers.