In Room Wait Time
One Auto-Pilot configuration is the maximum amount of time a patient will be estimated to wait inside a room, and to not assign them to a room in advance of that maximum.
To discuss changes to this feature for your own clinic, please contact your account manager.
No Limit
It’s possible to set no limit.
If so, so long a room is available, an appointment will be assigned to a room.
This type of setting is helpful when the waiting room space is more limited than the number of exam rooms.
Fixed Limit (e.g. 3, 5, 10, 15)
It’s possible to set a fixed limit, such as 10 minutes.
If so, even with every room available, an appointment scheduled for 2:45PM will not be assigned to a room prior to 2:35PM.
This type of setting is helpful to establish clear rules among a large group of clinicians using a limited number of rooms.
Dynamic Limit
It’s possible to configure a dynamic limit.
If so, CHIME will automatically use different fixed limits based on how many clinicians are currently marked as “available in clinic”.
The more clinicians are onsite working, the smaller the limit.
This type of setting is helpful when there are significant variations in how many clinicians are working, and you want CHIME to dynamically adjust this setting.