Preferred Rooms
There are various situations where specific clinicians have specific room preferences. For example, a clinician may have specific rooms assigned to them for a given day.
Current Preferred Rooms
A clinician’s current preferred rooms are visible together with their name. When an appointment is checked in, the appointment will automatically be updated to be only eligible to go into rooms that are globally an option, and also part of a clinician’s current preferred room list in the moment.
For example, if a regular visit can usually go into rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, and a particular clinician has rooms 3, 4, 5 as currently preferred rooms, when a particular appointment is checked in, it will only be eligible to go into rooms 3 and 4, not 1, 2, or 5.
Automatically Adjusting Current Preferred Rooms
In addition to having the option to manually adjust a clinician’s currently preferred rooms, there are situations where it is helpful to automatically update a clinician’s currently preferred room on a particular schedule.
For example, a large clinic might assign each clinician a set of preferred business hour rooms, and a different set during after hours.
Speak to your account manager if you’d like to configure a schedule where CHIME will automatically change your clinician’s current preferred rooms.