Late Check-In or No Check-in

You may still want to see a patient if they have checked in late or not checked in at all. To do this, drag the patient into your room when you’re actively speaking to them; don’t change anything in CHIME if you can’t reach the patient.

If you’re Onsite at the clinic:

  • Go into any available room

  • On your way in, use the room tablet to mark the room as Unavailable

  • Try to call the patient, or check if they’re in your virtual waiting room

If you’re Offsite:

  • Try to call the patient, or check if they’re in your virtual waiting room

If the patient picks up, drag them directly from the schedule queue and drop the patient into the room that you’re in (or your virtual room). 

If the patient doesn't pick up, leave the patient not checked-in within CHIME. The system and staff will continue to handle per the standard protocol. The patient will either end up checked in, or you will be updated.