Not Allowing Special Cases to be Checked In

When a patient goes to check in at the kiosk, CHIME can prohibit specific cases to not check in, and will typically flag a member of staff at the clinic to speak with the patient.

For example:

  • Late patients: if a patient is late. If a patient is late for their appointment, CHIME will flag staff instead, as discussed in further detail here.

  • Invalid OHIP: if the patient has invalid / no OHIP on file, this will be automatically caught by the status quo because the health card on file is validated in real-time by CHIME, and so these scenarios will all be treated as the patient not having a valid Ontario health card, which will send the patient to the reception instead.

  • Outstanding administrative to-dos: if the clinic has added an alert to the patient’s chart advising staff that there are ‘to-dos’ for this patient, for example, staff must speak with the patient to update their contact information on file.

  • Special forms needed: if the appointment requires specific forms to be completed by the patient prior to check in (e.g. intake forms)

  • Outstanding invoice(s): if the clinic have added an alert to the patient’s chart advising that the patient has an outstanding invoice and the patient is required to speak with a member of staff prior to checking in.